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Renlo Recruitment is a leading specialist IT recruitment consultancy serving businesses across the South Coast of England and beyond. We understand that recruitment is more than just finding a job or filling a position. It's about building relationships and making a positive impact. 

Our approach is centred around our values of honesty, trust and authenticity. We take the time to understand the unique needs and culture of each organisation we work with, ensuring that we find candidates who not only possess the required technical skills but also align with the company's values and purpose.

We believe in, putting people first, every time! 

If you're seeking a recruitment partner who genuinely cares about people, we're here to help!

We specialise in:

Software development
Cyber security
Quality assurance and testing
Web development
Cloud computing and virtualisation
Technical support and helpdesk
Mobile app development
IT infrastructure and network administration
UI/UX design
Data analytics and business intelligence
Project management and
business analysis
Devops and automation

What makes us different?

Are you looking for a recruitment consultancy that goes beyond just finding you a job?

At Renlo Recruitment, we're passionate about supporting companies that are making a positive impact in the world. We believe in connecting talented individuals with businesses that share their values and goals, so you can work towards a common mission.

We know that the tech industry has a diversity problem, and we're committed to being part of the solution. That's why we work with organisations that promote diversity and inclusion and partner with colleges and universities to attract a more diverse range of applicants. We believe that diversity is not just a buzzword, but a crucial element in building a successful team and driving innovation.

Our business model operates on a people, planet, profit model. We believe that success is not just about financial gain, but about prioritising people and the planet. That's why we actively seek out partners who share our values and are committed to making a positive impact.

If you're looking for a recruitment consultancy that values people, diversity and is dedicated to making a difference, let's work together to create a brighter future.

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My Story

Hi, I am Lucy, the founder of Renlo Recruitment. Since launching I have made it my mission to not only help businesses find the right talent, but also to support those who are making a difference in the world. That's why I have specialised in recruiting for tech for good companies. It's an area that I feel passionate about, as I believe we all have a responsibility to make a positive impact on the world.
As a mother of young children, I feel that it's important to set a good example and to show them that we can all play a part in creating a better world. Outside of work, I love to spend time with my family, enjoying the simple pleasures in life such as camping and good food (preferably not cooked by me!)
Through my work with tech for good companies, I have had the privilege of meeting some amazing individuals and teams who are dedicated to creating a better future. It's been truly inspiring to see the impact that they are making, and I feel proud to be able to help them grow and achieve their goals.
I look forward to continuing to support tech for good companies and helping businesses find the right talent to make a positive impact in the world.

Our Mission and Values

At Renlo Recruitment, we are all about supporting tech companies that are positively impacting the world. We get excited about matching talent with businesses that share their values and goals.

We know that the tech industry has a diversity problem, and we're committed to being part of the solution. That's why we work with organisations that promote diversity and inclusion and partner with colleges and universities to attract a more diverse range of applicants.
And when it comes to our business model, we believe in prioritising people and the planet alongside financial success. We operate on a people, planet, profit model, which means we actively seek out partners who share our values.

So, if you're looking for a recruitment partner that's passionate about making a difference and values diversity, we're here for you. Let's work together to make a positive impact!
We are passionate about making a positive impact on society and the environment. That's why we follow a people, planet, profit model, which we believe is the best way to build a sustainable business that benefits everyone.

So, what does that actually mean? First and foremost, we prioritise the needs of people. We treat our clients and candidates with respect, honesty, and integrity and prioritise their success and well-being.

Next, we're committed to reducing our environmental impact as much as possible. We believe it's our responsibility to help protect the planet for future generations by reducing our carbon footprint and taking other environmentally friendly actions. We donate 1% of our profits to charities that help to protect the planet, as well as donating to local charities in Southampton.

Of course, we understand that profit is important too. But we don't believe it should come at the expense of people or the planet. That's why we strive for a healthy balance between financial success and ethical responsibility.

By following this model, we believe that we can build a thriving, sustainable business that benefits everyone involved.

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