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I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Clare, the talented mind behind The Highboard Creative. Our conversation delved into her journey into the world of website design. As someone deeply passionate about fostering a more diverse and inclusive tech workforce, I find immense joy in listening to and sharing stories like Clare’s. Her experiences serve as a powerful reminder of the unique paths individuals take to make their mark in the tech industry.

“I started down my path to website design at 15, when I asked for a book on writing HTML for my birthday. I’d started learning the bass guitar the year before, so took up hobbies in two very much male-dominated fields (at the time), which I think was pretty formative and made me keen to prove myself. I loved the creative and visual side of website design, and the coding and attention to detail the work required really appealed to me too. I was fortunate in that my parents run a business (a busy swimming club in North London) and they let me experiment with branding design, onboarding systems and eventually website design for them from quite a young age, so I had on the job training from the start. I enjoyed figuring out what worked-which pages converted, which adverts caught the eye, how I could improve user experience and how I could use IT to simplify admin to save time for the team. I went on to design websites for many more swimming and sports clubs, using everything I’d learned from tinkering with the family business.

Over the past couple of years, I started getting requests from other industries, including financial services, tech services and interior design and have enjoyed expanding my business. IT is still a male-dominated arena, but there are definitely more women working in the field than there were when I started out, and the women I meet are massively supportive. Twenty-five years after I got my first book on HTML, my passion for website design is as strong as ever and it has been amazing to watch the speed with which the industry has changed. I’m super proud to be a website designer!”

Her story reminds us that unique paths lead to success, and the evolution of the industry is a source of pride for those who embrace it wholeheartedly. We celebrate Clare’s accomplishments and look forward to watching the positive impact she’ll continue to make as a talented and driven website designer.

In today’s digital age, where technology seems to dominate every aspect of our lives, it’s easy to overlook the importance of the human touch. However, when it comes to recruitment, there is no denying the significant impact that personal connections and genuine human interactions can have.

Recruitment is not simply a transactional process of matching skills on paper. It’s about building relationships, understanding aspirations, and finding the right cultural fit. And that’s where the human touch truly shines.

Here are a few reasons why the human touch is crucial in recruitment:

Building trust and rapport

Trust is the foundation of any successful professional relationship. You can establish trust and rapport with candidates through face-to-face meetings, phone conversations, or even video calls. This personal connection helps candidates feel valued, understood, and more inclined to share their true aspirations and goals.

Uncovering hidden potential

CVs and cover letters can only reveal so much about a candidate’s skills and experiences. The human touch allows us to delve deeper and uncover hidden talents, potential, and transferable skills that may not be immediately apparent on paper. You can explore a candidate’s motivations, adaptability, and passion through conversations, paving the way for more informed hiring decisions.

Cultural fit and emotional intelligence

While technical skills are essential, a candidate’s cultural fit within an organisation is equally crucial. The human touch enables us to assess a candidate’s personality, values, and emotional intelligence. By understanding a candidate’s interpersonal skills, communication style, and ability to collaborate, you can gauge how well they will integrate into the team and align with the company’s culture.

Personalised guidance and support

Job searching can be a daunting and stressful process for candidates. The human touch allows us to provide personalised guidance and support throughout the recruitment journey. By being accessible, responsive, and empathetic, you can alleviate candidates’ concerns, address their questions, and provide valuable insights to help them confidently navigate the process.

Creating a positive candidate experience

The candidate’s experience has a lasting impact on an organisation’s reputation. By incorporating the human touch into recruitment, companies can create a positive and memorable experience for candidates, regardless of the outcome. Candidates who feel valued and respected during the process are more likely to recommend the company, even if they are not selected for the role.

In a world that is becoming increasingly automated, let’s not forget the irreplaceable value of human interactions in recruitment. We can unlock the potential for a brighter future by embracing the human touch and forging strong connections.

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, it’s no longer enough to focus solely on technical expertise when hiring IT professionals. Sure, technical skills are important, but soft skills are another crucial piece of the puzzle. Yep, those intangible qualities make all the difference in the success of IT projects and teams.

Soft skills encompass a person’s ability to communicate effectively, collaborate seamlessly, think critically, and adapt to new situations. In the IT industry, where teamwork and effective communication are paramount, these skills are absolutely essential for project triumph.

Soft skills are not to be underestimated in IT recruitment. In fact, many seasoned IT professionals argue that they are just as, if not more, important than technical skills. Why? Well, technical skills can be taught and honed over time, but soft skills are a different ballgame altogether.

So, when you’re next on the hunt for IT professionals, it’s vital to look beyond their technical expertise and give their soft skills some serious consideration. Seek out candidates who possess strong communication abilities, thrive in team environments, and have that magical ability to adapt and roll with the punches.

Remember, in the world of IT recruitment, it’s the combination of technical expertise and soft skills that truly sets candidates apart and leads to exceptional outcomes. So, don’t forget to weigh both sides of the equation when building your dream IT team!